SIZI SL is a company dedicated to the development of computer applications for the livestock sector. Our products are characterized by their simplicity of use, their high level of performance and their flexibility to adapt to the needs of each user and exploitation.


  • Sizirac: Computer system for the optimization and simulation of models applied to animal feed with productive variables, nutrients and widely-parameterized nutritional calculation systems. It also has modules for rations, feed, labels, formulation of a set of formulas and a module for analytical records per client.

INRA 2018: We now have a new dynamic version of ration calculation available that allows us to consider the influence of the interactions between raw materials and the animal productions obtained.

Ceneral characteristics

  • Extensive intuitive forms easily adaptable to each user.Valid for any type of production: cows, sheep, pigs, horses etc.
  • Adaptable to any calculation system: the nutritional needs of the animals, as well as the raw material valuation equations are configured in Excel or in OpenOffice.
  • Possibility of importing and exporting information on raw materials, formulas, customers, price lists and production status to Excel and other programs.
  • Wide variety of reports and queries on the screen of raw materials, customers, formulas and labels.
  • Use of price lists by customers and in any period: the incorporation or update of the raw materials of a formula, based on these lists, is highly automated.
  • Nutrients calculated from others, which the user can design, and possibility of using the relationships between nutrients.
  • Duplication, re-numbering and elimination of raw materials, formulas, price lists and customers can be done individually or in groups.
  •  Configurable reports to which it is possible to incorporate graphic elements, as well as export them in various formats (Word, Excel, PDF, etc.). In addition, several reports can be included in a single PDF file.
  • Simple configuration of labels for rations, feed and cores included in the formulas.
  • Optimization of a group of formulas to compare the costs of applying two price lists and obtaining prices of the formulas with the first list, the second and the optimized with the second.
  • Registration of analytics of raw materials that can be imported directly from Excel with the results of the NIR and automatic incorporation with new raw material valuations.
  • Help system on all screens.
  • Translation into several languages: Spanish, English, French, with the possibility of translation into other languages.